Robots are agents, too. Indeed, agents researchers often use robotics problems as motivating examples. Both practical and analytical techniques developed by agents researchers influence, and are influenced by, research in autonomous robots and multi-robot systems.
Despite the overlap between the agents and robotics research areas, researchers from these communities only have a few opportunities to meet and interact. The Robotics Area of Interest in the main AAMAS conference (formerly, the "Robotics Track") is one such opportunity. The goal of this workshop is to build on this opportunity, offering an informal and dedicated forum where agents and robotics researchers can interact, discuss promising research directions and open problems, and foster further collaborations.
Contributions are sought in all areas of robotics, in particular as related to autonomous agents research. Theoretical papers are welcome, as long as they clearly specify the connection to challenges in robotics. Empirical studies should ideally present experiments with real robots, though physical simulation studies are also acceptable. Papers that focus on mechanical aspects and low-level control should make an effort to relate this work to the agents community.
Contact organizers
Nicola Basilico
Department of Computer Science
University of Milan, Italy
Mohan Sridharan
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh, UK
ARMS past editions:ARMS 2024, ARMS 2023,ARMS 2022,ARMS 2021,ARMS 2020,ARMS 2019,ARMS 2018,ARMS 2017, ARMS 2016, ARMS 2015, ARMS 2014 , ARMS 2013 , ARMS 2012